Insurance Quiz Time… How Well Do You Know Your Insurance Policy?

How well do you know your insurance policies? Lets find out!

I can get carried away singing along to a ZZ Top song. I tend to drive a little faster while jamming to the song and forget that traveling the speed limit is what I should be doing. About that time a bee comes into my car and I give it a good swat. Unfortunately, I lose control and hit a mailbox.  What coverage on my auto policy will pay for my car’s front-end damage?

  • A) Comprehensive coverage
  • B) Collision coverage
  • C) The Rock ‘n Roll Rider coverage

I host an  “It’s Spring Thank Goodness Its Time To Dance” party.  As I hand out decorated Easter eggs to my guests and release the confetti from the ceiling, I realize my dog has just bitten one of my guests that were entertaining us all by doing the cupid shuffle.  What part of my homeowner’s policy may respond?

  • A) Medical Payments Coverage
  • B) Personal Liability Coverage
  • C) Sinkhole Endorsement


1.  B, Collision Coverage.  Because you’ve collided with another object, collision coverage is what would respond to pay for your damages.  Be sure you’ve selected a comfortable deductible as that is the amount of the claim that would be your financial responsibility. Having the right North Carolina Auto Insurance Policy is important.

2. A & B.   In this case, the actual medical bills could be paid by the Medical Payments Coverage portion of your policy as it happened at your home.  The Liability Coverage may also extend to cover “pain and suffering” from the event where your negligence in controlling the pet caused harm to another.

If you failed the quiz, keep calm and call your Spivey Insurance Group Agent. Our trained, professional agents will make sure you know exactly in what ways you’re covered and how you can better protect your family.

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704-821-4460 or 877-318-5951








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