With the economy at a low and people searching for ways to save money and lower household bills, usage-based auto insurance (UBI) is the latest trend. If you don’t put many miles on your car or you are a low-income driver, the pay as you drive insurance movement could offer you great advantages. Starting in...
Why should you use an independent insurance agency like Spivey Insurance Group for all of your North Carolina insurance needs? Because nobody knows Charlotte insurance better than us! Every day we work with customers to find them the best and cheapest policies ranging from North Carolina life insurance to NC business insurance. Our helpful agents...
Most parents agree that a major goal in their life is to see their child attend and graduate from a good college in order to go on to be successful and happy with a great job. However, with how the economy is these days, college tuition for your kids is an extremely scary thought. And I...
Fear not anymore, there are some ways that you can save yourself money at the gas pump! If you’re like me, every time your low fuel light comes on, you’re cringing over the amount of money that is about to come out of your pocket. But by using the following money saving tips and advice,...
The 4th of July is a time for celebration of freedom and liberty! Every year, people all over the country celebrate America by using fireworks. As a known symbol of the 4th of July, fireworks have been used as a means of celebration for decades, ranging from backyard displays to city-sponsored spectacles. While they are...
As July fast approaches, we're beginning to really feel the heat of summer. Everyone knows what that means....it's pool time! A backyard swimming pool embraces the joys of summer and provides tons of fun, but it can also cause tragedy in just an instant. "Each year, roughly 300 children under age 5 drown in swimming...
Everytime you rent a car you get asked by the agent, "Do you want to purchase the optional coverages?" The question is should you sacrifice the extra money for the coverage, or should you pass on something that might be totally unnecessary? And are the coverages worth it? These are all valid questions, so read...
On this day in 1777, during a desperate war for American independence, the delegates to the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia adopted the "Stars and Stripes" as the official flag of the newly emerging American nation. According to resolution: "White signifies Purity and Innocence; Red, Hardiness and Valor; and Blue, Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice." For the...
It’s impossible to live forever, but most of us delay the unavoidable as long as possible. Walter Breuning, a retired railroad worker from Great Falls, Montana succeeded at this better than most by living to be 114 years old. Breuning recently died of natural causes; he beat the average age of time of death in...
Did you know that heat causes more fatilities per year than floods, tornadoes, lightning, and hurricanes combined? Based on a 10-year average from 1994-2003, heat killed an average of 237 people each year. By contrast, floods killed 84; tornadoes, 58; lightning, 63; and hurricanes, 18. Heat waves can be extremely devastating to the area they...
Yesterday marked the first day of what is expected to be a more active than usual hurricane season. Lasting until November 30th, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrative believes this season will see 12 to 18 named storms with six to 10 becoming hurricanes, and three to six of those major hurricanes. According to forecasters, there...
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