Does My College Student Need Renters Insurance for their Apartment Off Campus?

It’s getting to that time of the year again… Football season, Fall, and School! Now a common question that our agency gets is “Does My College Student Need Renters Insurance for their Apartment Off Campus?” The answer is YES. Whether they live in a apartment, townhome, or house they will need their own renters insurance […]

What Do I Need to Know About My Insurance?

In respect for Insurance Awareness Day this month. Today is the day you need to look over your coverages and policies. Insurance Awareness day was created so that as your life progresses, so do your insurance policies. Agent You may not know what to look for or what you are looking at even means. That […]

Buying Insurance Has Never Been So Funny!

Insurance is hilarious… said no one ever. The first thing people think about when they talk about insurance is sales or life/car insurance. Believe it or not, there is a lot more to insurance than that. I would almost rather it be so simple. Insurance has saved lives, multiple times. You’re probably wondering, what is […]

Is Cost the Best Decision Maker When Buying Insurance?

Why do we buy insurance? In order to understand how to shop for insurance, we must first answer these three questions, Why are we buying insurance? People look for insurance to protect their belongings. Whether it be a home, car, boat, business etc. they want to make sure that if they were to lose it, […]

Meet Lisa, our Personal Lines Agent

Here at Spivey Insurance Group we are happy to have a new Personal Lines Agent, Lisa Starnes. She recently joined the team in December 2016. Lisa is a big part of what makes Spivey Insurance Group function each day. We would like for you to sit back and get to know Lisa. Here is a […]

Laptop Insurance For College Students ~ Spivey Insurance Quick Tip

Is my Child’s Laptop covered while at college? We get that question a lot, for good reason. Laptops are very expensive and they are the command central equipment of your child’s college experience. When you pack up all their gear and clothes and move them into an apartment or a college dorm, the last thing […]