Author Archives: spivey
Happy Fourth of July!
Firework Safety at Home
Holiday celebrations are all about family, friends, food and fun – and sometimes fireworks. Handled safely, these can be a great climax to your backyard festivities and the perfect end to a memorable day. Taking a few precautions will ensure that the memories of the day are all good ones. You can begin by limiting your purchase of fireworks to those which are legal in the area where you live.
Auto Insurance Charlotte ~ Choose Spivey Insurance
3 Reasons To Wear Sunglasses
Just Chillin’ Frozen Yogurt
Choose Spivey As Your Charlotte Life Insurance Company
Interesting Insurance Facts
Insurance protection is important for just about everyone to have through several different phases of life. Around 16 percent of the drivers on the road are uninsured at one time or another. Reviewing some of the interesting facts related to insurance underscores the impact this liability service can have in both the short-term and the long-term.
The 5 Most Popular Summer Activities
How to Find a Summer Job
Are you looking to earn some extra cash during the summer months? If so, you are not alone! With summer upon us, many will be looking for ways to earn a few bucks. How can you find a summer job? There are a number of things that can help. Here are a few suggestions.