
While spring and summer are common times for many homeowners to spend some extra attention on upkeep and maintenance, autumn is just as critical of a season for preparing your home to withstand the potentially harsh colder weather and temperature conditions that may await this fall. By making maintenance part of your annual fall routine...

Here at Spivey Insurance Group we like to frequently recognize businesses and companies for all their hard work in the community. If you are like many homeowners you probably want to make sure your yard is looking neat and clean for the upcoming fall season. A lot of those outside tasks require hard work and...

Do you remember where you were on September 11th, 2001? The exact place where you heard that two planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City. The feelings you had; the chills on your body. Now think of where you are today, 16 years later. Every year this day comes around, it makes...

Hurricane Irma is fast approaching the United States coast line and here at Spivey Insurance Group we want to make sure you are fully prepared for any damage that may come from hurricanes or even severe weather in our area. Make sure that you and your family are properly informed on these hurricane tips to...

It’s finally football season! Here at Spivey Insurance we love to celebrate this time of the year. We want to make sure you have a fun and safe tailgating season with your family and friends. Don’t let the distractions of tailgating, friendly get-togethers, the game or your busy neighborhood lead you to disregard safety issues....

Today people are even more time constrained to pay bills and even consider paying for their insurance. Insurance carriers can pay attention to the actual payment transaction, which can create value for their policyholders. Here at Spivey Insurance Group we care about your insurance payment experience and are here to help you in every step...

When you think of Labor Day, what do you think? One last vacation before the unofficial end of summer? Hitting the mall for the sales? Or the extra day off work to relax? Labor Day has been celebrated since the 1880’s. No matter where you are going this holiday weekend, here at Spivey Insurance we...

Labor Day is the holiday we like to celebrate here at Spivey Insurance Group. Many businesses in our community are closed for the long weekend. This is a great long weekend to spend with your family and throw a healthy Labor Day cookout. We have some great ideas to make sure you are being healthy...

Wedding season and proposals are upon us. Planning a wedding, honeymoon, and buying jewelry can be costly. Engagement rings can be very expensive and add up very quickly. Here at Spivey Insurance we want to make sure engagement rings and wedding bands are covered. It is extremely important to make sure your wedding jewelry is...

Summer is coming to a close and August rings in the beginning of the school year for many children and families. It is time to shift our schedules to the upcoming school year and time commitments. Here at Spivey Insurance Group we are here to help you and your family get back into the transition...

Here is a brief description of Chris Spivey and what he enjoys doing in his spare time and what he has to offer to Spivey Insurance Group. Chris is a big part of what makes Spivey Insurance function. We wanted to let you get to know him a little better. Favorite Saying: “It is what...

The start of school is quickly approaching and we want to make sure that you and your students are fully prepared for college move in day. Whether it be their first move in day or last here are some tips to make sure you student is prepared this move in day. 1. Set travel plans...