Have Points on your License? No Problem we have a North Carolina Auto Insurance Policy for You.

Traffic infractions are expensive, inconvenient and they happen everyday. A few infractions or violations can make a difference between you getting preferred insurance rates, or not. Although preferred rates are great, having the best insurance for you is what you need. To better understand how to get the Best Quality Insurance for today, but strive […]

Why Consider Employment Practices Liability Insurance?

Businesses can use anywhere from a few to many employees. Those with employees must strive to treat workers fairly and must abide by labor laws. Sometimes though, even the most conscientious businesses and employers find themselves embroiled in labor disputes. Employment Practices Liability Insurance can protect these businesses from costly claims. Employment Practices Liability Insurance […]

As Home Prices Go Up, Your Home Insurance Needs Updating

Yes, the Charlotte housing marketing is trending upwards again, since its downfall in 2008. This means more building, remodeling, buying, and selling of homes. How does that affect you? Great question and glad we can answer. This means that our area will begin to see older homes being remodeled or newer homes being built. The […]

Need Watercraft, ATV or Recreational Vehicle Insurance?

Need Watercraft, ATV or Recreational Vehicle Insurance? Spring is right around the corner! Wipe the dust off those Watercrafts, ATVs and RV’s! Charlotte is expecting to have a beautiful spring and summer! Before you start to enjoy the great outdoors, make sure you are insured, but most importantly insured properly. Need convincing that you need […]

What does my Homeowner Policy Cover with Weather Related Issues?

North Carolina weather has been crazy, experiencing a snowstorm to waking up to a thunder and lightening storm. Our homes are being exposed to harsh elements, especially with the different weather changes. Most homes may not show damage during these months of season changing, but its possible that severe damage may occur. You can’t stop […]