Hire, Don’t Fire

When you hire the best person for the job, you are much less likely to have to fire them. Making a good hiring decision in the first place is the key to employee retention.

Celebrate Valentine’s Day With More Chocolate

Americans love their chocolate, and no day is more welcoming to this beloved candy than Valentine’s Day. Neilsen reports that when Valentine’s Day arrives, Americans spend about $345 million to purchase the perennial candy favorite. While most candy gets a bad name as being unhealthy for teeth and overall health, chocolate reigns supreme among all other candies as the one that is actually good for you. Dozens of studies support chocolate as a health food that can improve everything from heart health to vision. Here’s what we know so far.

How To Manage Your Time

Across all social classes and walks of life, people who improve their
time management skills live more fulfilling lives. From entrepreneurs in
demanding industries to full-time college students, individuals must
control their time if they hope to achieve important goals.

Vegetable Soup Recipe That Rocks National Soup Month

Soup has been a staple of many cultures for thousands of years. One
likely origination of soup was in cultures that needed to stretch their
food for longer boiled their ingredients into soup. In cultures where
food was scarce, they used every single part of food including all parts
of animals and all parts of vegetables.