Charlotte Insurance & Pedestrian Safety

Charlotte has recently been named one of the most dangerous cities for pedestrians! That’s not a very nice accolade to have, but there are things we can do to improve conditions for pedestrians on our streets. First, everyone should make sure they have Charlotte insurance. This includes both health insurance and auto insurance, both of which can protect those that are injured in a collision. Here are some other tips, for both drivers and pedestrians, to keep our streets and sidewalks safe!

Does North Carolina Workers Comp Have A Gloomy Future Ahead?

It’s the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about. With the job market struggling so mightily, what’s going to be the resulting effect on North Carolina Workers Comp? After going strong for so long (the workers’ compensation system celebrated its 100 year anniversary this year), there are tough obstacles ahead with our country struggling to dig itself out of a deep recession.

Did you know that statistics show that there are about 25 million Americans vying for just 3.5 million available jobs? That’s around 7 applicants for every 1 job opening! That goes to show you that the labor market is currently in a crisis, and even once the country climbs its way out the lasting consequences are going to be evident.  So what’s the effect of high unemployment rates on workers’ compensation?

Flying this Holiday Season? Stay safe with Charlotte Insurance!

The holiday season means travel, and lots of it! If you’re flying this season, there are some things to keep in mind to stay safe during your trip. Before you leave, check with your Charlotte insurance agency to verify your health coverage, and make sure you have your agent’s contact information with you at all times. Here are a few other tips to consider.

Another Hit…NC Business Insurance on the Rise

More bad news for consumers; trends indicate that after eight years of declining in prices, the costs for most types of NC business insurance are on the rise. Prices for three of the four types of commercial lines are up, with the only line still seeing a decrease in cost being Directors and Officers insurance. However, this lime seems to be an anomaly in the overall trend of commercial insurance.

What is the reasoning for the negative trend after eight years of declining premium costs? And how can consumers fight the rising cost and find affordable business insurance? Keep reading to find out!

The Rising Cost of Charlotte Home Insurance

With the scorn of Mother Nature taking its toll on our country this year, Charlotte home insurance policy holders are now seeing the consequences. All over the U.S. we have seen one natural disaster after the other from earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes to completely unexpected and devastating snow storms. As a result, the number of claims that insurers are receiving is steadily on the rise which means policy holders are seeing themselves hit with higher insurance rates.

Run a More Organized Office with NC Business Insurance

When you run a business, you know there’s not much time for organization. Filing falls by the wayside. Computer files are saved in random folders, never to be found again. Your NC business insurance policies are hidden under that pile of papers on your desk that’s dangerously close to falling off the edge. But when your office is organized, everything becomes much more efficient, which can ultimately lead to less time wasted and more profit for you. Here are some tips!

Facts to Consider About North Carolina Life Insurance

One of the most important considerations when being a life insurance policy is to continually stay up to date on the latest and always revisit the details of your policy yearly with your insurance agent. Life insurance serves as the best way to protect your family from financial pain in the event of an unfortunate death. By having life insurance, it offers you a piece of mind to know that while your family would be emotionally heartbroken, they wouldn’t have to deal with the stress of financial woes. However, a lot of thought must go into finding the best North Carolina life insurance policy for your personal circumstances. The following are some facts to consider about life insurance when making that final decision. 

Keep your Pets Safe this Holiday Season with Charlotte Insurance

The holiday season is upon us, and while it’s important to include your pets in the festivities, it’s also important to remember that the holidays come with some things that can endanger cats and dogs. Otherwise well-behaved and healthy pets can act out during the holidays or become ill from different things brought into their environment. Your Charlotte insurance agent can tell you if your current homeowner’s policy covers damages done by pets or injuries to others from dog or cat bites. Protect your pets this holiday season with the tips we’ve compiled here.

Timber! Will Insurance Pay For That Fallen Tree?

Wind storms, severe rain, brutal snow storms…what’s the common denominator besides the fact that they are all products of Mother Nature’s cruel humor? They’re all major culprits for causing downed trees and destruction. But when that tree takes a tumble into your backyard, onto your roof, or right through your hot rods window, who is going to cover the financial woes? That answer to the question is, “it all depends.” Your Charlotte home insurance policy (or your helpful Spivey Insurance agent!) will likely hold the most in depth answers, but continue reading for the basics of what is covered and what is not under most policies.

Charlotte Insurance: New Perks for Moms-to-be

As the health reform takes shape and health insurance plans are restructured to adhere to the new laws, many new benefits and freebies are now or soon to be offered to many moms-to-be and new moms out there. Thanks to a provision of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Charlotte Insurance will soon be covering preventative care 100% for pregnant women, new moms and their babies. To put it in basic terms, they will be paying zero out-of-pocket costs for prevention if covered by one of these health plans.

So which health preventive practices are going to be covered? Continue reading to learn some of the main coverages that will be offered for women during and after their pregnancy.