Author Archives: spivey
Throwing a Successful Holiday Party
The holiday season is officially under way. With Thanksgiving behind us and December in front of us, things are definitely about to get festive! This is the time of the year when people spend a lot of time getting together with friends, family and loved ones. There are sure to be a ton of holiday parties to attend. If you’re a party-planner as well as a party-goer, then this can be a little bit stressful. You don’t want to plan your party on a conflicting day, you want to make sure you have enough food and drinks, and of course, that everyone has a good time!
$1000 Referral WINNER Spivey Insurance Group Customer…It could be YOU!
Amy was our last year’s Referral Winner.
A Sweet Potato Casserole to Add to Your Thanksgiving Feast
Thanksgiving is just a few days away now and your mouth is probably already watering at the thought of all of the delicious foods that will be on your table soon! If you are hosting the family and friends at your house this year, you’ve probably already started cooking up your meal with hopes of having just a minute to sit down and enjoy the food yourself on Thursday. As you break out the elastic waist banded pants and make your final preparations, you might be looking for that one last recipe. We have that for you!
Tips to Quit Smoking This “American Smokeout Month”
It comes as no surprise that smoking is bad for your health. While that fact is undisputed, it does not make it any easier for a smoker to kick the habit. Unfortunately, tobacco is addictive and those who smoke have a very difficult time quitting, no matter how much they want to. November is “Great American Smokeout Month” in the United States. Every year, this year being the 37th, the American Cancer Society encourages smokers to use the date of November 15 to make a plan to quit… or quit all together!
Tips for Using Facebook for Your Business
By now you have probably gotten used to the idea of the Internet and the basics of social media. Facebook, being the first of the social media revolution, really set the path for the future standards for social media use. In this generation, it is normal to share your personal photos, thoughts and opinions all over the Internet and to engage in conversation and debate with people you may or may not have ever met before. For a business owner, this can be a tricky thing. Are you using Facebook in the best way possible?
Keeping School Bus Safety in Mind during National Bus Safety Week
The sounds of excited children in the early afternoons are certainly a sign of school being in session. What else makes you think of school? The big yellow school buses of course!
Healthy Advice From Spivey Insurance | Go Get Your Flu Shot
Winter Priorities, Heat System Check-Up & Home Insurance Tune-Up
Safe Driving Tips for Halloween
Witches fly on their broomsticks and ghosts soar through the air but trick-or-treaters… they’re going to be running around in the streets on the 31st no matter what their costume is. Driving on Halloween can be a nerve-wracking experience for this reason – with so many excited children around the neighborhood, navigating the streets is […]
Five Simple Ways to Lower Your Home Insurance Rates
Are you wondering how you are going to make ends meet if North
Carolina’s insurance commissioner is granted the ability to increase the
average homeowner insurance rate by 18 percent? Whether or not this
happens, there are things you can do right now that will help reduce the
cost of your premiums.